Stay on these roads

It’s like that quote “it’s not about the destination, it’s the journey”.
Some of you already know we just did an amazing three week road trip through southwest USA, starting in San Francisco and ending in Phoenix. Will definitely post some stories and pics of the wonderful places we’ve visited but today it’s all about hitting the road, literally!

As a chronic back-pain patient the miles to cover between each of our destinations had worried me a lot in advance…was not really looking forward to spending four, five and sometimes more hours in the car…but you know what, the driving part, or co-driving in my case, was so much more fun than I could have ever expected! We stopped a lot, we just had to, not only to stretch legs, back and neck, just too many jaw-dropping moments on our routes…many of those stunning views will be imprinted on my retina forever!

Here are some of my favourite road related pics of our trip, hope you enjoy the ride!


State Route 1, Pacific Coast and Big Sur


Our son Nick, Tioga Pass Road, Yosemite NP
Artist’s Drive, Death Valley NP
No roadtrip without wheels, right?!
‘Straight roads do not make skillful drivers’ – Paulo Coelho
Valley of Fire State Park
Zion NP route to Checkerboard Mesa
made my husband stop the car to shoot this one!
we all need to refuel sometimes, even cowboys!
must be wildhogs then if the sign says to watch out for animals!
Could’t miss out on this one, right?!
well, there may be something to tell about the balloon hanging here above the motorway in Sonoran Desert, Phoenix…another story 😉

















15 thoughts on “Stay on these roads

      1. De natuur lijkt ons inderdaad heel overweldigend! We gaan een rondreis maken: Las Vegas, Valley of fire, Zion, Bryce, Capital Reef, Canyonlands, Arches, Monument Valley, Horseshoe bend, Antelope canyon, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Sequoia, Yosemite, Big Sur, Westkust, LA..


      2. Superrrrr, bij ons was het San Francisco, Monterey, Yosemite, Death Valley, LV, Zion, Bryce, Antelope, Horseshoe, Grand Canyon, Phoenix. Valley of Fire ook gedaan, is echt top, één van mijn favorieten, hoewel enkel op ‘doorreis’ en probeer zeker Mono Lake mee te pikken als je kan, ook absoluut de moeite!


  1. It looks as if you had a wonderful trip. Next time, journey to Los Angeles and San Diego and points in between. We can be in the desert, at the beach, or in the mountains in an hour’s time depending on the horrific traffic. I’m following you now, and I love your town square . It reminds me of the one in Bratislava, where I lived for two years.


  2. Thank you so much for the follow, greatly appreciated! Yes we had a wonderful trip, so many places we could’t visit, I know, such a shame, but a reason to keep planning and dreaming (and saving 💰) for another trip, right? Though think Scotland is first up as soon as budget allows and Canada is very high on the list too! Enjoy your day!


  3. Great photos, and you visited some very special places! I love Death Valley and Zion. Just visited the Valley of Fire SP last February. Thank you for sharing your photos and your trip. I hope your back does not give you too many problems…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading through and the follow Julianne! Appreciate it! Yes we really enjoyed our trip, though not backpacking and no strenuous hike as I just can’t handle them physically. Indeed Zion and Death Valley, Valley of Fire are all in the top five of places we went too and plenty of easy hikes too, especially in Zion. Am still working on posts on those, so coming up soon! Having a big of the off-days as back concerned, but it will pass, today’s better than yesterday, so we live on that hope! Wishing you a lovely day/evening!


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